Week 4 Devlog

This week I got the saving features for the game setup. What I did was create a save game blueprint which I use to store all of the things that I want the game to save when the player saves the game, e.g., player location, what items have been picked up, destroyed actors array, amount of ammo, coins, and potions picked up, and the level seed. I then have my pickups in the game add themselves to the array when they are destroyed; I also have them check if they are in the list, and they will no longer respawn if they were picked up in a previous save. As for saving the player's position, I have it on the begin play node. It checks if a save game exists and if it loads the player's position and the number of pickups the player has.


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Dec 06, 2022
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Dec 06, 2022
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Dec 06, 2022
w4-4.PNG 165 kB
Dec 06, 2022

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